RESURRECTION LIVING: post-resurrection appearances of jesus (easter season)
COME FOLLOW ME: The Gospel of Mark
Join us as we train with Jesus. He invites us to come, follow Him.
SANCTUARY (Advent Season)
Sanctuary is a safe home where we can hide when feeling overwhelmed and fearful. Sanctuary is a rock where we can enjoy stability in the midst of danger. Sanctuary is refuge when we’re feeling exhausted. Sanctuary is a place of peace where we can live and flourish. Instead of having to ascend to this place (impossible), imagine God coming to us in the Person of Jesus to be our Sanctuary. Christ is Immanuel, God with us. Merry Christmas!
LIVING OUT THE GOSPEL (a study of Galatians)
Christ in the Old Testament
Mystique. Antiquity. Anticipation. Fulfillment. Consistency. Redemption. Future. These are just a few superlatives that describe how the Old Testament and the New Testament beautifully complement one another. We’ll be exploring the profound connection between the Old and New Testaments. As you may or may not expect, CHRIST is in the center of all the action.
We welcome Rev. Jason Yum and Cheryl Thompson as our guest preachers for this series. Both have previously blessed The Table with teachings. Cheryl has just returned from a trip to Israel and will bring a unique perspective to our time in the Scriptures together.
Every Christian Is a Minister
You, yes you, are a minister! You may say, “What?! Who signed me up for that?” or, “Isn’t that the job of pastors/priests?” If you’re a Christian, you’re called to be a minister. The word “minister” simply means someone who tends to or takes care of another person. You minister Christ’s healing and comfort to another person by validating their pain or bandaging their wounds. You minister Christ’s mercy when you advocate for someone who doesn’t have a voice. You minister Christ’s hospitality and love when you invite people in. You minister Christ’s truth and wisdom when you share His Word with others. Since being a minister is our calling, you’ll find Christians ministering as artists, tech engineers, Moms, musicians, lawyers, and students in our places of family/friends, career, and hobby. Join us as we study the book of Acts together and embrace our joyful and exciting calling to be a minister!
Resurrection Power
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is more than just an event that happened once in history. It’s so much more than just a tradition of the church. God desires for us to experience resurrection power. As you rely on God, the same resurrection power that brought Jesus from death to life is at work in your life. The apostle Paul expressed his desire to experience this resurrection power in Philippians 3:10 - “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead.” The apostle Paul also encourages believers with this truth in Romans 6:4 - “We were buried with Jesus through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” Join us as we explore and experience the resurrection power of Jesus.
Camouflaged Sin
Sin is everywhere. It wears camouflage and tricks us into believing that it’s not that bad. Eventually it dehumanizes us and steals our identity and joy. Is there any hope? Why can’t we talk about sin? What is it about “sin” that makes us feel defensive and full of shame? Join us as we explore the following themes in our new sermon series: Sin Beneath the Sin. It’s Worse Than You Think. God’s Grace is Greater Than You Think. Freedom From Sin. Temptation’s Source. The “Goodness” of Sin and the Goodness of God. The Life of Sin and the Life of Repentance. Sin, Shame, and Confession.
What superlatives does Jesus use to describe Himself? Is this the Jesus you know? The gospel writer John records 7 famous “I AM” statements of Jesus to help us know Him and love Him. Join us as we discover how Jesus’ identity shapes our identity and shapes our 2019!
Jesus said, "I AM the”….
1. bread of life (John 6)
2. light of the world (John 8)
3-4. door for the sheep / good shepherd (John 10)
5. resurrection and the life (John 11)
6. the way, the truth, the life (John 14)
7. the true vine (John 15)
Christ Born In Us
What makes Christmas so special? Food, weather, volunteer opportunities, parties, family, friends, gifts, carols. The historic Christian gospel says not only that God made His home among us, but also IN US. Christmas is a season of remembering that God sees our needs and moves in our lives to bring good news, peace, and joy! We’ll be looking at the following Christmas themes in the book of Luke: The Ancestry of Jesus / Mary’s Song / Zechariah’s Song / Fear & Joy / How to Remember 2018.
I Love My Church
Have you ever heard someone say that they "love church?" People usually say they hate church. Many people have been hurt or abused by church; others have endured it because they felt pressure or it might be “good for them.” Others have experienced the love and mercy of God through the church. Whatever your history with church, however you currently feel about it, the good news is that Jesus LOVES his church. Jesus’ early disciples / followers responded to his love by loving God, loving others, and loving their cities. They were committed to serving their communities and gathering together for worship. In other words, they started churches. These churches were the center of Christ’s work of redemption and restoration in cities all over the world. Modern day...Has the church forgotten its mission and purpose for existence? Join us as we explore themes in the book of 1 Peter.
In The Heart of God
The book of Ephesians beautifully reveals what’s in the heart of God. In the heart of God we find: identity, purpose, destiny, power, and authority. The book of Ephesians invites us to find our true identity and purpose. Ephesians tells us that we’ve “been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ." We have a unique status, significance, and stability with Christ!
Emotionally Healthy Church
Inspired by the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero, Pastor Troy has been significantly influenced by these ideas in the founding and ongoing trajectory of our church.
Why We Sing
God made us to create music with our voices. What does that say about us? What does it say about God?
From the artist: We not only sing in worship for joy, but also when our hearts ache, when we don't understand, when we are crying out to God for his love, his answers, his care.
Resurrection Everywhere
Easter is a 7 week season where the church celebrates the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Being a follower of Jesus means that we too have experienced (and continue to experience) resurrection in our lives. This resurrection is taking place everywhere in the life of the follower of Jesus.
Sin is Everywhere
Lent is a 40-day season where the church remembers the Lord’s suffering and sacrificial atonement for our sin. Sin has affected every area of our lives, world history, and culture. Sin has given us scars, burns, chaos, and trauma.
This sculpture is called Anti-Mass by Cornelia Parker. The wood is black pieces of wood from an African American church in Birmingham, AL that was burned by arson. This installation depicts the effects of sin on our lives, history, and culture. Sin dismembers us. Sin burns us. Sin separates us.
Verses of the Year
From the artist: When I think of verses that give me a strong foundation, that are a jumping-off point for my faith walk, I think of God as a place of security and refuge from which we fly with confidence into the unknown future, even though we remain vulnerable.