BELONG | everyone is searching to belong. God has created everyone with a unique story. Without you BEING you, we’re not going to become who we’re meant to be. By ourselves we suffer extreme limitations. Together, and by God’s grace, we can BE and create something sustainable. Come BE yourself and help us create a community where there’s love for everyone.
A table in a local restaurant, family dining room or even boardroom is a place to be noursished with food, find community and fulfill a mission and purpose. At the Table Church, we believe that God, through his son Jesus, gives us everlasting food that satisfies our deepest hunger, gives us the provision for meaningful life, provides the greatest opportunity for connection and community with others, and in difficult times, comforts us like nothing else can. Those of us who are unsure of these things are true are always welcome to sit with us, ask questions and learn together.
The Table church is a Sunday worship gathering and so much more. We are a church who does life together throughout the week, whether in Bible study and prayer meetings, retreats, and other “let’s just have fun” or “it’s time to celebrate” moments bring us together.