The service is located on the third floor. Stairs and an elevator is located down the hall from the front door of the Kanbar Center. Signs will direct you to the elevator and exact location.
Coffee and light snacks are available from about 10:45 am. If you are new and would like to meet the pastor, this is a great chance to say hello.
We don’t use paper bulletins. A QR code is available on the refreshment table, which links you to this website and the “Worship Liturgy” page that is visible on the top left of the home page.
Feel free to bring your bike (or stroller) inside the building and park it in the corner of the worship room.
We offer childcare. Since we are a small church, the number of kids varies from week to week. We are flexible and eager to meet childcare needs during the service. Let us know how we can help!
We start at 11 am and end around 12:15.
The first part of the service is singing. We usually sing 3-4 songs.
Prayer time follows announcements. We pray out loud for needs and concerns within our community and the world.
LIVE Discussion then a 10 minute sermon from a Bible passage / relevant topic.
Communion is a weekly part of our worship service. We serve gluten free bread and both wine and grape juice.