BELONG // Everyone is searching to belong. God has created everyone with a unique story. Without you being you, we are not going to become who we are meant to be. By ourselves we suffer extreme limitations but together, we can be and create something sustainable.

Come be yourself and help us create a community

where there is for love for everyone.

BELIEVE // Everyone intimately believes in some person/place/thing that they think will give them peace, comfort, pleasure, and success. Jesus offers to fill our deepest longings as we place our lives under His Kingship and care. We grow by asking questions, not by knowing all the answers.

Come explore and grow in your faith

as we create a learning culture together.

BLESS // Everyone has special gifts and talents to contribute that the world is waiting to receive. We desire to create space and freedom to liberate and support everyone to share their diverse gifts with others. You are needed and wanted and we are made for purposes larger than ourselves.

Come with the gifts that God has given you

to help us bless and serve our neighborhoods

and our City.